


1. 改善肤质:男士面部皮肤相较于女性,更容易出现油光、痘痘等问题。通过专业的面部护理,可以有效改善这些肌肤问题,让肌肤更加健康。

2. 提升形象:一个拥有健康肌肤的男士,无疑会给人留下良好的第一印象。面部护理不仅能提升男士的形象,还能增强自信心。

3. 抗衰老:随着年龄的增长,男士的肌肤也开始出现松弛、皱纹等问题。通过面部护理,可以延缓衰老,保持年轻态。


1. 专业机构:杭州拥有众多专业的男士面部护理机构,如樊文花、悦诗风吟等。这些机构拥有一流的技术设备和专业的护理师,为男士们提供全方位的肌肤护理服务。

2. 个性化方案:针对男士不同的肤质和需求,杭州的男士面部护理机构会制定个性化的护理方案,确保每位男士都能享受到最适合自己的护理服务。

3. 环境舒适:杭州的男士面部护理机构通常装修典雅,环境舒适,让男士们在享受护理的同时,也能放松身心。

4. 服务优质:杭州的男士面部护理机构注重服务质量,从咨询、护理到售后,都力求为男士们提供最优质的服务。


1. 樊文花:樊文花是一家专注于面部护理的全国连锁品牌店,拥有32年的专业经验。其独特的护理手法和高效产品,让男士们轻松焕发魅力。

2. 悦诗风吟:悦诗风吟是一家源自韩国的天然护肤品牌,其男士面部护理产品天然、温和,深受男士们喜爱。

3. 丝域养发:丝域养发是一家集面部护理、养发、美容于一体的机构,其男士面部护理服务专业、周到。


1. 选择适合自己的护理产品:男士们在选购面部护理产品时,要根据自己的肤质和需求进行选择,避免使用不适合自己的产品。

2. 保持良好的生活习惯:保持充足的睡眠、合理的饮食和适量的运动,有助于改善肌肤状况。

3. 定期进行面部护理:男士们要养成定期进行面部护理的习惯,让肌肤时刻保持健康。






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2. 华浙广场、杭州大厦


3. 新天地活力Park街区




1. 高端大气


2. 繁华热闹


3. 文化底蕴




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3. 技术精湛:上城地区桑拿服务技师经验丰富,手法娴熟,为您提供专业的服务。

4. 价格合理:上城地区桑拿服务价格适中,让您在享受高品质服务的同时,不会感到负担。



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"I dare not dare!" Autumn spring ding modest way

Chapter 715 Month Bank of China, Linggen
The so-called East-West Continent in the Five Spiritual Realms is actually the largest continent in the world. Due to the invasion of demons, the skyshatter Mountains are divided into east and west sides, and people later get used to calling the east and west continents both sides.
Outside the east and west continents, there are several larger continents, the size of which is far less than that of the east and west continents. These continents are said to be too big islands and relatively small land.
The five immortals carved up the western continent, and these small lands were occupied by several large gates.
In the western continent, these large gates also have a resident, but the five immortals sent gifts to draw boundaries. These clans are stationed here, and the population is good. The five immortals sent forces.
Yu Guihai and his two men are not going to the West Continental Sub-base, but to other land gates.
They went to silver moon Gate first.
All the way, Qiu Quanding carefully introduced the situation of Zongmen, and Yu Gui Hai Wen praised that this silver moon Gate is far beyond this side of the world than it used to be. It is really a powerful world.
In addition, Qiu Quanding also specially explained the situation of two ancestral halls.
Since it is a spiritual thing, of course, it is more precious than a treasure. It is also powerful for the strong in the fit period, and at the same time, it also has the probability of upgrading to the advanced fit period.
Every time these treasures move, they must be agreed by the three bodhisattvas in the door. If one of them disagrees with the theory, they can’t move.
Silver moon Mencheng Lingwu Wuxing Genjin is a strange Lingwu called Yuezhongyin.
This thing can be refined into the life treasure, which can enhance the ability of the treasure to resist lightning robbery, and is very helpful to survive the lightning robbery in the fitting period, and can enhance the success rate of the monks to survive the lightning robbery.
The spiritual object of the earth humen is called the earth spiritual root, which is a kind of earth spiritual object.
After that, it can improve the fitness and strengthen the cultivation, and at the same time, it also has a certain degree of breakthrough in the fitness period for the incarnation of the peak monk, but this thing is limited to the earth attribute monk.
After listening to Yu Guihai, he judged that such a treasure was in line with his heart and looked forward to it more.
All three men were powerful monks, and they fled very quickly. It took only one day to cross the whole western continent and come to a big land in the sea.
This piece of land is bigger than The Machine Island, where mountains, rivers and mountains crisscross, and ordinary towns and villages are quite prosperous. This is called silver moon Mainland!
"That’s me over there, silver moon Gate, Shanmen Gate, and the Bank of China is in the secret place of Shanmen Gate." Qiu Quanding pointed to a beautiful mountain in Zhong Ling in the center of the land and said happily.
"Go and see" Yu Guihai said.
"Master, please!" Qiu quan ding Qian Qian leads the way
The three men soon came to silver moon Gate and landed directly on a humble hill in the blessed land.
There are many younger brothers in silver moon Gate, but when you see Qiu Quanding, the master and the bodhi old zu, you all kneel and kowtow. No one will doubt that he brings guests.
"The Bank of China is in this mountain" Qiu Quanding pointed to the foot hill and took the lead in walking towards a quaint stone hall not far away.
Yu Guihai swept away slightly and found that this hill not only has strong law protection, but also has many strong guards.
Hill has two obscure fluctuations of the earth, which should be the other two bodhi old zu in the fitting period.
According to Qiu Quanding, if anything happens, there will be one less bodhi old zu guardian here. If anything happens, the three of them will usually come here to dive and guard the Bank of China on the Moon.
There are two deified younger brothers on sentry duty around the Stone Temple, but there are no other younger brothers.
Because there is a fit period, the number of bodhi old zu in other younger brothers is already so-called that it is better not to be seen.
With the autumn spring tripod leading the way, two younger brothers in the deification period bowed directly without asking.
Before bringing outsiders, it is not without their spirits. Except for arrogance, it is necessary to pay tribute to the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven. Every time, the master of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven will personally go in.
This time, both of them have the same tolerance as their own bodhi old zu, and obviously they are also the same level of the strong, maybe they are masters of the Chamber of Commerce.

Relative to the experimenters, although they have the opportunity to produce similar war-pattern visions after meeting certain conditions when they are promoted to the first floor, the probability is less than one in five, and only those with strong foundation, high talent or deep opportunities have the opportunity to obtain such powerful visions.

Therefore, in many cases, the vision of the shrine will become an advantage when the monks of the fairy kingdom try to fight. At this moment, Qin Changfeng also has to face the vision of the other side.
See heaven and earth as if suddenly plunged into a vast expanse of whiteness, with ice and snow everywhere. This small world sealed from the spiritual world is instantly frozen for thousands of miles, and snow is floating in Wan Li.
The snow is falling slowly from the sky, and it looks so magnificent and enjoyable, but there is a horror in this beauty. Every falling snowflake is not only as sharp as a sword, but also emits a sharp whistling sound in the air. After landing, it exudes the chill of the previous magic!
Even the wall cast by God’s gold was frozen and shattered at the slightest touch, which instantly formed a big pit, let alone ordinary soldiers.
This kind of attack, which does not need to be deliberately condensed and manipulated to cover different ranges and is almost exhausted, makes some first-tier testers stand on their feet, but if they want to hurt Qin Changfeng with yellow armor, they think too much.
Qin Changfeng will Kowloon gun on his shoulder and pretend to be dismissive and impatient. "Hey! This cold is not enough to get rid of the fire. Don’t make these empty heads and brains. There is no trick to win or lose! "
He’d like to take this opportunity to learn more about the Godsworn of the Immortal Kingdom. After all, once in the world of Shushan, he had a tacit understanding with Jingwei Fairy, and he didn’t get serious. What’s worse, at that time, he didn’t cultivate the Yuan God’s fighting power, and now he can’t estimate and force Jingwei to tell the truth.
Therefore, it is indeed a good opportunity to find out the reality of the fairy kingdom, but the way he came limited him to stay for 15 minutes, and he didn’t have time to spend with the third senior.
"Let me say again that you have no chance to leave alive today!"
Three senior brothers Peng Jiu’s voice fell, but his body was flying backwards away from Qin Changfeng and disappeared in the snow and ice in the blink of an eye.
But instead, Qin Changfeng felt a strong sense of crisis coming rapidly. Soon, when he saw the snowflakes falling in the original way, they suddenly condensed in a certain trajectory, forming a dense array of mirrors. I don’t know what large array surrounded Qin Changfeng except the top of his head, and the left and right front and rear parts were sealed by ice mirrors.
Even the top of the head is not a gap, but deliberately left out because I don’t know when the whole day is covered with ice and turned into a huge mirror!
Qin Changfeng’s figure reflected in several ice mirrors of heaven and earth seems to be in no danger at present, but Qin Changfeng is increasingly uneasy and the crisis is getting stronger and stronger.
Seeing this scene, the white and red-haired men sneered at he is my brother.
"Once the core of the three senior brothers’ shrine is trapped, even their so-called heavenly kings may not be able to extricate themselves. He is the only one who dares to appreciate being killed alive."
"Yes, unless he can break the shrine from the beginning, even if he has a great magical power, he will bury his own grave!"
The words of two people can’t affect the battle. At this moment, the rest of the battlefield has been quiet, and everyone is staring at the preparation to witness the demon field and try to practice the tower Tianjiao battle.
There is no doubt that Peng Jiu and Qin Changfeng can both become their own talents to represent Qin Changfeng’s title of "Fighting King". However, in the six-tower qualifying battle, he defeated the top artists from other trial towers, such as Hou, Sanmianhou and Jiutianhou, and really proved his double strength.
It is rare to provoke others in the same environment, and there are also virtual kings who are above the giants in the realm and are qualified and in the mood to do so
At this time, the same virtual king has recognized Qin Changfeng and the other two giants waiting for the result of World War I.
In any case, they won’t do it, because there are also top giants waiting in the magic domain, and their intervention will cause a war with each other.
Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh …
After a short silence, the real battle broke out instantly. The distance around Qin Changfeng was suddenly cold light flashing like a rainstorm in the light mirror. Ice arrows shot out and instantly drowned his figure.
Qin Changfeng swept his gun only to find that these ice arrows were not real but light arrows and were extremely cold!
The magic sea of death will smash all the ice and cold arrows, but it will not solve the root problem, because the root of the light arrow will not stop, and even if Qin Changfeng breaks the nearby ice mirror, the falling snow in the sky will soon reunite.
What’s even more frightening is that as Qin Changfeng attacked his figure reflected in the ice mirror, the figure inside actually turned out to attack and kill him, but the shape and appearance were different!
Qin Changfeng scattered the dragon gun to summon the real dragon to attack, only to find that the figure in the ice mirror can also summon the light dragon that looks exactly the same.
Even avatar skills can be copied!
Qin Changfeng realized that the truth of this vision of "ice and snow are extremely mirrored in a million mirrors" is obvious. Besides the frost law, Peng Jiu also realized the general law of recognizing stronger light.
In this vision, ice and snow are condensed mirrors and appearances, and the real killer is light and shadow!
On what attack Qin Changfeng made, the ice Byakki Smoker shadow will hit the same attack, although the power is better than his own display, not only in quantity but also without consumption.
Even if the ice mirror refracts each other, people can make light and shadow.
Even if Qin Changfeng stops attacking and refracts the ice mirror method, it is not a matter of high anxiety, because the master of this vision will hide in the exhibition and attack him so that he has to make moves.
In addition, Peng Jiu’s attack mode is also extremely strange. He didn’t directly attack Qin Changfeng, but only attacked Qin Changfeng after several ice mirrors refracted, which made Qin Changfeng very difficult even if he wanted to find him out. This vision not only froze the virtual, but also made him a small world, which was generally difficult to track.
In this way, Qin Changfeng seems to be caught in a vicious circle. Unless he exposes more cards, it is possible to break the deadlock only by knowing several skills of the dead grass god and outsiders
And this is one of the important reasons why Peng Jiu is highly anticipated in Fairyland!
In addition to choosing one of the five principles, most of the brothers of the five elements will practice one of the other principles and combine them to greatly increase the power of mysterious changes.
However, Peng Jiu, who combines the two laws of ice and light so perfectly, transcends the laws, but his talent and potential can rank tenth among the monks in the whole fairy king’s territory.
With the passage of time, Qin Changfeng was completely attacked in less than a minute, and Peng Jiu refracted it and Qin Changfeng himself mirrored it. He carried it around with the vigorous defense of the yellow armor.
But everyone can see that it won’t be long before the attack reaches a critical point, and the yellow armor will definitely be breached. At that time, Qin Changfeng will really be in danger
Flocculant floating in the city, Zhou Zhiruo, Adebayor and Pusaka are still calm. After all, they know that Qin Changfeng understands the law and will never die. He must have hidden his intentions until now, but it is impossible to hide his strength, so he killed himself.


An hour and a half later
Nearly two thousand people were instantly married in the warehouse compound of two regiments in Jiangzhou.
More than a year
The southwest advance army of Jun Chen laid off nearly three regiments in a row, but in fact some people were put into Jiangzhou territory by the opportunity of disarmament.
After the completion of the armed forces, nearly two regiments of soldiers immediately sent more troops to the garrison camp.
At the same time, the giant gun in the direction of South Shanghai bombarded the wall of Jiujiang Special Zone
The war in the ninth district has not yet burned, and Chen has attacked in the seventh district.
Chapter DiYiSiEr Commander training
The reason why these people run so fast is that Chen is powerful in the capital of South Shanghai. They are in an invincible position in terms of garrison troops and political power. If they don’t run fast, they may be beheaded directly by Chen.
After the unification of the district, the General Political Department of Zhou Xingli’s first military department felt the danger. They took advantage of Gu Taian’s Sichuan government to control the capital of South Shanghai by military means when they fought frequently in the old triangle, but it still had no effect after so many years.
First of all, Chief Chen’s military strength is superior to that of the General Political Department of the military. Simply put, the ratio of the two sides in the military is about 64%. Secondly, the Sichuan government once attacked Jiujiang and won it. In this way, Qin Yu also helped Chen to strengthen their discourse in the seven districts.
On the whole, Chen has never participated in a large-scale legion battle. After several years of dormancy and careful luck, he gradually took hold of South Shanghai.
A warship war room on the sea
Xu Hancheng frowned at Zhou Xingli, the head of the Song Dynasty, and a dozen other major generals said, "Jiujiang was attacked, and there were two improvised armed groups in Jiangzhou, which all said that Chen Zhongren was also prepared for this war."
"Jiujiang, they can’t fight for the time being," Song said concisely. "Drilling waterways and tactics to attack the city can only be done once. I mean, let Chen attack Jiujiang and we will take Jiangzhou as soon as possible."
"I have a different opinion," Xu Hancheng replied with a wave of his hand. "We need to make it clear that our support for the ninth district is equivalent to strategic defense before. The purpose is to prevent the rebel forces in the ninth district of Sichuan from finishing the war so quickly and winning the highest military advantage. The protagonist of this war is the Shensha Regiment. We don’t need it. They put Jiujiang in danger of being captured. It is not worthwhile to do so."
"You continue to say" Zhou Xingli nodded.
I mean temporarily ordering the frontier troops to give up Jiangzhou’ Xu Hancheng continued, pointing to the map’ I personally led the troops to defend Jiujiang, and the chief of Zhou Zong, Song Zong, sat in Luhuai and then deliberately put Chen troops in Jiangzhou so that they could divide their troops and station part of them in South Shanghai to ensure the safety of the capital; Part of the station troops in Jiangzhou protected the military security of Nanmu and Yuanshan Town, the marching route of Chuanfu. "
"You mean to clarify the military pattern of the seven districts first and let the enemy and our forces fall diagonally in a square?" Song chief asked 1.
"Yes," Xu Hancheng said, pointing to the huge map sand table, "Chen’s forces are superior to ours, and it is beneficial for us to force them to take the initiative to divide their forces. If Shensha stays in the future and there is a possibility or hope of victory, then we can send troops from Luhuai and Jiujiang to take Jiangzhou directly, so that the short-term root method of South Shanghai reinforcements can pass through our military defense zone and solve Jiangzhou’s encirclement by attacking Jiujiang or Luhuai, but they will suffer because Jiujiang Luhuai has special zone walls to protect them. It is very difficult for them to chew off a heavy city in a short time, but Jiangzhou is different.
Xu Hancheng’s strategic thinking is very clear. When people look at the map, they understand his thoughts and intentions.
Zhou Xingli looked at the sand table with his back and turned to the head of Song and asked, "What do you think of Lao Xu’s idea?"
"I think it’s possible," Song said with a frown. "It’s really good for us if Chen can divide his troops, because we occupy two heavy cities, which is very advantageous in terms of military defense."
"Then do it," Zhou Xingli immediately rushed to Xu Hancheng and said, "Order the troops attacking Jiangzhou to withdraw and defend Jiujiang."
"Yes!" Xu Hancheng nodded
About an hour and a half later
Frontier attack Jiangzhou Xu Zhantuan headquarters withdrew along the road to prepare to defend Jiujiang
South Shanghai No.1 war zone war command room
Chen Zhongren looked at the big-screen wartime dynamic map and frowned and said, "This old Xu still has two brushes to command the war. He wants to force me to split up!"
"They gave up Jiangzhou to defend Jiujiang, which means let’s divide the army." The chief of staff nodded.
After staring at the big screen for a few seconds, Chen Zhongren immediately ordered the frontier attacking Jiujiang troops to immediately retreat and quickly control the highway lines along the Lu Huai, Jiujiang and South Shanghai triangle.
"Yes!" Chief of staff nodded.
"Command Jun Chen troops to quickly enter Jiangzhou along the controlled highway line," Chen Zhongren said again.
"In this way, we will really be divided." The Chief of Staff woke up lightly. "If Luhuai and Jiujiang jointly send troops to attack our south Shanghai, then … then we will be a little dangerous."
"If they want to fight South Shanghai, let Jun Chen send troops from Jiangzhou to cooperate with the main forces around South Shanghai to take Jiujiang for three days." Chen Zhongren also said clearly, "They want to use Jiangzhou’s lack of geographical advantages and Yugoslav capital advantages to force me to divide the army and then fight with me. Then don’t give them the opportunity to attack South Shanghai and Jiangzhou. When the Sichuan government soldiers come out, they must fucking fuck him first!"

Even if you have a drop of blood rebirth, all blood will be thoroughly refined in this flame burning!

Charming Ji finally couldn’t hold back and screamed again, "Monty disintegrated!"
The disintegration of monty is terrible. Sumo knows best.
At the beginning, in the wild mainland, it was Li, a great monk with this peerless magical power, who took the blood magic Dao Jun and burned everything!
Incarnate her body burst into a mass of blood fog, and generate instantly involved Suzaku with a terrible force!
第一千九百章 仙阵破碎
Shen Fei sighed.
In the past seven days, the powerful forces of Longyuanxing, such as Scorpio Gang and Zhenleitang, have arrived in Fengxueling one after another.
And come here are the leaders of major forces!
Scorpio Sect Leader Zhenlei Hall Leader Dreadwind Gate Leader Xuanyin Mountain Leader Skyfire Hall Leader Xuanguang Gate Leader came in person.
However, no matter whether it’s the Scorpio gang leader or the thunder hall leader or the leaders of other forces, there are not many people with them.
Most of them brought hundreds of people.
This has shown their attitude.
These Wang and Tang lords didn’t intend to help Fengxueling when they came to the root, but they came here to watch the excitement.
Some people may still have some thoughts of fishing in troubled waters!
Yuehao shook his head slightly. "They don’t dare but don’t want the strength of major forces. If Qi Xin joins forces with the wolf army and the goshawk gang, how can they resist?"
"But they are all worried that the two major rogue wars will weaken their strength and no one wants to come out."
Kaka, Kaka!
Suddenly, the barriers around the snow ridge burst into waves, and cracks appeared on the surface, spreading and expanding rapidly!
Fairy array is about to break!
"Prepare to die!"
Yue Hao gritted his teeth
At this time, a violent vibration came from the dust on the ground in the distance.
There is an army galloping towards here!
Wind inflammation, pale cliff, the leaders of major forces have raised eyebrows in succession, and all the people have tried to look through the crowd.
"It’s Shuanglong religion!"
There was an exclamation in the crowd.
"Look at this posture, there are almost 40,000 troops!"

At the same time, Zer was surprised to find that after the blue screen was blue, the screen exploded like a silver bottle bursting with water, and a bunch of swearing words in various languages were faintly heard, including the words "I am returning grass to MD and someone is rushing to send hair". It seems that the whole system will be mad.

In less than an hour, Lin Chong also knew that Lin Man was experiencing an anomaly.
Lin Man was attacked by … when he traveled to the west of the earth several times apart? Is this an attack?
Lin Man can’t connect for the time being.
Lin Chong frowned and investigated Zhufalan, a Tianzhu monk.
During the Eastern Han Emperor’s reign, a high-ranking monk went to Xizhou Lingshan in Xiniu to get the true scriptures, and when he returned, he brought back Zhu Falan, who often lived in Baima Temple.
It has been more than 1000 years.
His appearance and sound have not changed for more than 1000 years. His hobby is to write Buddhist scriptures, and the forty-two chapters of Buddhist treasures are written by him for 1000 years without saying a word.
The incense of Baima Temple changed from Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, but it has been flourishing all the time. In addition, this immortal age has lived for a long time, and both the immortal and the saint are the current DPRK, and it is also called the three saints’ great power in history.
Zhu Falan is the same person in the world, and it is not surprising that he has lived for so long.
However, Zhu Falan’s daily actions are really different from those of ordinary people except that he doesn’t speak. He is just a black and thin old monk from Tianzhu.
In what land is Zhu Falan a virtuous and immortal figure? It is because none of the Buddhist virtues disappeared when the immortal was away from the dust thirty-one years ago, and there was not a monk left in Lingshan Da Lei Yin Temple.
It is a guess that Zhu Falan is still alive even though the Buddha’s inheritance is gone in this world. The land fairy thinks that he must be a meritorious person, and the Buddha is close to it but not a Buddha.
"Buddhism is sanctified by virtue. If Zhu Falan is really a Buddhist brother and has completed the merits of sending the scriptures to the East, isn’t it the Tang Priest in the Eastern Han Dynasty? Then why not seal a Buddha?" Lin chong wondered.
Yu Zhuflange’s obsession is that something happened suddenly a few days ago. The day before, he was still an ordinary person. The next day, he passed the apocalypse and monty entered the body.
In the next few days, it was still the monk who closed his eyes and kept his mouth shut in the daytime, and in the dark, it was very scary to see the magic mouth and spit magic words.
In its mind has been’ extraterrestrial’ will own coordinates in the virtual water mirror, but I don’t know.
This question was not answered until Lin Man was wired.
"The monk used his own bait to summon the monty body and then tried to refine the monty, but it didn’t work. He was calling for a’ savior’ who could save the whole world to help him, and I appeared."
"He gave me something, which should be the key to repel this magic robbery."
Said Lin Manliang a wrist, even in the hills, this trace is still there, just like her forehead half a petal.
"But I don’t know what it is," Lin Man added.
"How do you know?" Lin Chong was surprised. "Didn’t you see you communicate more?"
"Didn’t I ask for a wave pendant to read the Tibetan Sutra? He read the Heart Sutra. This is Zen talk." Lin Man pointed to his heart.
"Ah … very fierce" Lin nodded sincerely.
"I don’t think he’s a meritorious immortal, but he may be a Buddhist who stayed in this world," Lin Man added. "So I just read the Tibetan scriptures, and by the way, he has a heavenly heart sealed in his relic to get it back."
Lin Man was in a hurry at that time, but he forgot to take this stubble of sarira.
Now it’s too late to find it. It’s an anecdote that the abbot of Baima Temple was beheaded by a woman with a knife in Luoyang. There were many monks there that day, and then they went to the official residence. The scene was in chaos and the relics were gone.
However, it took a long time to find a monk who secretly took away the relic and the monk. After the abbot was cut, he was either shaking like a chicken, angry like a scalper or crying like a rabbit.
Yes, he seems to have heard something, listened for a while, then calmed down and secretly took the relic in the chaos.
When 74 gave the monk’s face to Lin Chong, what did Lin Chong think of it? How familiar did he want 74 to fill this picture with hair? It was a face that Tang people often wore in a bun and met Lin Chong not long ago.
"Isn’t this Wei Yingwu?" Lin Chongyan said
Chapter two hundred and thirty Pretending to be monty
Didn’t Wei Yingwu worship in the fairy gate of Dongting?
How did you become a monk in Baima Temple again?
Lin Chong brought up Wei Yingwu’s data with suspicion.
No, Sunday is now a huge database, and all the gods and buddhas, twenty-four immortals, and magic weapons in the Westward Journey world are recorded. Every person Lin Chong came into contact with Fairy Road is very eye-catching, and ordinary people with famous names are photographed in the large array.
Wei Yingwu had close contact with Lin Chong’s incarnation Gandalf and naturally had a file.
There is not much information, but it shows that his family has parents in Wangpo Town, Jianxi Road, and his sister-in-law once lived in the fairy land many years ago. An elder in the sacred land wanted to accept his disciples and left him a token.